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Big Red Sports NetworkJan 27, 2024 2:41am
Braelyn Stilwell - Burke's Best Ever?

Braelyn Stilwell - Burke's Best Ever?

Big Red Sports Network

EB's Braelyn Stillwell set her 2nd school record this week. All time Assists leader and now, most 3 pt shots in a game (10).

A lot of great women hoops players from Burke County thru the years. Can it be that Braelyn will be the best of all?

She still has another year to go! What are your thoughts?


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Burke Hoops BlogMar 5, 2024 5:52pm

She's well behind Kerri Gardin and probably Ali Ford as well. If I'm brutally honest I'm not sure she'd be on the starting five of all-time team of best Burke County girls' players, as Ariyana Williams, Natasha Davis and Kenda Walker all deserve strong consideration. But make no mistake that she's a baller and will probably land as a freshman starter for some d2 school.

Bob DuckworthFeb 6, 2024 12:35pm

She ranks up among the all time greats, but not the best of all. Gardin from Freedom still sits atop that podium in my opinion.

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