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Big Red Sports NetworkJan 27, 2024 2:41am
Braelyn Stilwell - Burke's Best Ever?

Senate Bill Aims to prevent NCHSAA from allowing NIL for High School Athletes

Josh Dula

Senate Bill 636, a bill that was aimed at stripping the N.C. High School Athletic Association of many powers, was amended on Wednesday to prevent the NCHSAA from allowing high school athletes the ability to profit off their name, image, and likeness (NIL). The Amendment comes just hours after the NCHSAA enacted a policy for NC High School athletes to use name, image, and likeness to make money, but with many regulations. High School OT reports "In addition, the amended bill would allow the state superintendent to withdraw from the four-year memorandum of understanding with the NCHSAA with six months notice." Thoughts?


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